Friday, February 15, 2013

Doing Something for Lent

             Today is the third day of Lent, and like a resolution one makes when the New Year begins, there are Lenten resolutions. The problem with New Year resolutions is that by the third day of the year, the resolutions are forgotten. I wonder if anyone has the same problem with Lent. I think I know the answer.
            I guess these Lenten resolutions, at least in general, are more of a religious nature, and usually come in the form of giving up something. My personal favorite is the person who will give up chocolate or cokes for Lent. Giving up some of those items that comfort our palate is certainly beneficial to our health, but a fast that would honor Jesus Christ would be one that benefits others. Maybe, one could estimate what they would spend on the cokes and chocolate they have given up, and spend the money on caring for a person in need.
            Another way to consider Lent is not so much what you are willing to give up, but take on a new project for Lent. If you feel you should give up cokes or chocolate for Lent, maybe you ought to give these up (period). Maybe a holy Lent would be to volunteer to build a wheel chair ramp for someone coming home from hip surgery. How about planting a tree for Lent or some other environmentally green activity?
            “What does the Lord require, but to do justice, love mercy and walk humbly with our God.” -- Micah 6:8.
            As Thomas a Kempis wrote, "At the Day of Judgment we shall not be asked what we have read, but what we have done."
            How about doing something for Lent?

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