Wanting to get a jump start, I hope every has the notice that members are being asked to come to the church this Saturday (Feb. 8) to help prepare flowerbeds for our columbarium garden. We need backs, shovels, and minds as we install two short decorative retaining walls, install edging, turn the sod in the beds under, and shovel in all the mulch. We will continue work on successive Saturdays until the beds are ready for planting. Of course the work will not stop, for we have to do some planting.
This Sunday (Feb. 9) is our annual Sunday School Food Drive. This was started five years ago by the Parlor Class when Mike Stump was leading the discussions. Our goal is one ton of food. Please bring non-perishable food items to church during the Sunday school hour, enjoy a light breakfast, then we will head to the sanctuary for worship. Following worship we will load the trucks and take the food to Project HOPE.
The official start for our new "This Week at Westminster" page will be February 16. Here is a sneak peak at what is coming up.
Sunday, February 16
event of the year at Westminster. What
better way to treat your Valentine then winning a few white elephant gifts and
enjoying a steaming bowl of chili.
Dinner will begin at 5:30 PM
followed with B-I-N-G-O. So B-4 you
come give some thought to what while elephant gift you will bring.
Oh, by the way we had 47 participants
at our Bowling and Pizza Party hosted by our Mission Committee. Our Building and Grounds Committee (our Bingo
/ Chili host) hope to win the friendly
competition with Mission by having more than 47 attend the party.
Monday, February 17
Our office will be closed in
honor of our Presidents.
Tuesday, February 18
PASTOR’S CLASS – “The Church in
the Middle Ages.” Class begins at 6:30
in the church parlor
Saturdays, February 22, March 1 and March 8
(all at 9 am)
WORK DAYS IN THE GARDEN – Yes, we need backs, shovels, and
minds as we prepare the gardens for our new columbarium. We will be: stacking decorative bricks for
two (short) retaining walls, installing edging for the flowerbeds, turning the
sod under in the beds, and piling on the mulch.
Once everything is in place, we will plant the bushes. Thanks to Barb Stump and her landscape expert
Joann Carter for their expertise.
See the church calendar for other events!
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